
Date: January, 17, 2021
Time: 9:00 AM

What is lawful for the Christian to do?  From the Great Commission to administering the Sacraments.  Is Jesus the second Moses?  There are many who look at Jesus’ commands and see him as the second Law Giver – just like Moses.  During the season of Epiphany we’ll take a closer look at Jesus’ instruction in the gospels and see if there is a difference in what he instructs us to do compared to the rest of Scripture.  Join us for our first lesson at 9 AM on Zoom or in person for our Bible Class.  These bible studies are light and fun – as much fellowship as they are Bible study.

HERE is the link for Zoom.

Lesson One: Marching Orders

All the world is a mighty big job.  That’s exactly what Jesus told his church to do.  This of the first command from our Lord that we’ll examine in our study: Lawful.

Lesson One: Marching Orders

Lesson Two: Blessed

Blessed are you…  These words from our Lord are packed with meaning.  These words aren’t commands per se, rather a reminder of reality; this is who you are, Christian, blessed.  We’ll attempt to unpack what Jesus is telling us in this lesson in Lawful.

Lesson Two: Blessed

Lesson Three: Holy Communion

Holy Communion is a spiritual meal where God comes to us with his body and blood for the forgiveness of sins.

Lesson Three: Holy Communion

Jesus gives us his body and blood in, with, and under the bread and the wine for the forgiveness of our sins.

Lesson Four: Lord’s Prayer

When Jesus’ disciples asked him how to pray, he did not disappoint.  The Lord’s prayer is a model prayer.  During this lesson we’ll look at a few of the ins and outs of prayer.

Lesson Four: Lord’s Prayer