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For our 10:00 AM worship service this morning:

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Ascension – Christ’s Ascension Means He is Closer Than Ever

Conventional wisdom would say if Christ has ascended into heaven, he is further away from his followers than when he was visibly on earth. The resurrection reality is that it is the other way around. Now that Christ has ascended, he is closer than ever. The living and ascended Savior has reassumed full use of all his divine power. So if you need Christ’s help, you don’t need to hunt for him in Galilee. You call to him in prayer, wherever you are, whenever you want, and he hears and acts. You want to hear Jesus speak? You don’t need to chase him down. Open his Word and listen to his powerful, life-giving voice.

The ascension marks the completion of Jesus’ earthly mission, but it does not signify the end of his work. Christ ascended to exercise his limitless authority for the Church as we carry out our mission to be Christ’s ambassadors of grace to the world. Therefore, the Festival of the Ascension is one of the oldest and most joyful celebrations in the Christian Church. It will be observed by Christians until Christ returns to take us to be with him.

Resurrection Reality

St. Paul writes, “Christ has indeed been raised from the dead” (1 Corinthians 15:20). Big word: Indeed! Paul is stressing that we must not think of Jesus’ resurrection like a happy ending to another epic fable. The resurrection is not legend. It really happened. Easter is not just a holiday. Easter is history. On time’s infinite line, Jesus’ resurrection is the punctiliar moment that defines reality for us all. If Christ remained dead, he is a fraud and failure. But Christ has indeed been raised. So, the reality: Jesus is exactly what he claimed to be—the Son of God, our Lord and Savior. If Christ remained dead, then the grave is the final, ugly, rotten end of us all. But Christ has indeed been raised. So, the reality is Jesus’ resurrection proves that “all will be made alive” (1 Corinthians 15:22). The reality of the resurrection does not just change our future, but the way we look at life now.

The greatest theologian of the early church, Augustine, called the season of Easter “a joyful week of weeks”—seven wonderful weeks, each seven glorious days long. In this glorious season, let us meditate upon the breath-taking implications of the resurrection reality.

Our worship follows this pattern:

Easter Day – All Will Be Made Alive
Easter 2 – The Living Lord Gives Proof and Peace
Easter 3 – We Have a Meaningful Message to Share
Easter 4 -The Risen Savior Provides Good Shepherding
Easter 5 – The Living Lord Produces Active Faith
Easter 6 – We Will Overcome This Broken World
Ascension – Christ’s Ascension Means He Is Closer Than Ever
Pentecost – Christ Has Not Left Us Alone

Please click the image below to watch the video introducing our Easter series.

Quick Tips for Online Worship

#1 Be Present

There are bound to be digital and physical distractions around you once the service begins. Make wise choices with your environment in an effort to limit those distractions.

#2 Worship

You are not meant to be a spectator in online worship. Your are a participant. Do whatever you can to engage your heart and mind. Sing along with the songs. Participate in the prayers.  Take notes on the sermon. You can even ask questions and/or comment in the chat box. Our prayer is that this is an experience that allows you to grow your faith relationship with God.

#3 Share 

Please invite your friends and family to online worship by sharing the link in an email, in a text, or through Facebook. There are so many people in our communities that are looking for hope during these times and our online service is a perfect place for them to be encouraged.


Please click HERE for a list of questions to help with your personal preparation prior to attending the Lord’s Supper.