Ash Wednesday Service Landing Page

Join us for our Ash Wednesday Service

You are Ashes! We are all Ashes!

That’s not a happy thought, but it’s true. What could it mean?

It means that before God we are all so much dust and ashes. We always fall short of where we should be. We somehow know where we ought to be but we can never get there. We make mistakes in our lives and in our relationships. We make excuses. We say we will try harder. We rebel against our God. This is sin. That terrible gap between reality and what ought to be. We all miss the mark. We can’t begin to fix ourselves without help. On Ash Wednesday, we focus on our shortcomings, our sinful nature, and how we can’t escape on our own. We must ask for forgiveness.
When we approach God asking for forgiveness he does not disappoint. God doesn’t compare you to others. God loves you. No matter your past. God takes your mistakes and and your guilt and he places them on Jesus. You are then free to start a New Life. Begin on Ash Wednesday. Acknowledge your sin. Ask for forgiveness, and use this Lenten season to begin a New Life. He won’t disappoint.

Ashes can start your journey to the cross. Come walk with us.

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