For Such a Time

Date: August, 18, 2021
Time: 10:30 AM

Join us each Wednesday morning at 10:30 AM.  

The book of Esther, while not once mentioning God’s name, nevertheless gives clear evidence of God’s providential rule in world history. It shows that everything God does is in the interest of his gracious will and purpose. Esther was made queen to save her people, and to preserve the promise of a Savior.

Each Wednesday at 10:30 AM we’ll look at one chapter.  Everyone is welcome to attend this mid week study, Esther.  We’ll use Zoom for our meeting.  HERE is the link.

Lesson 1: Xerxes and Vashti

Absolute rulers are not something that we see a lot in our modern society, but in the ancient world, there were kings who got whatever they wanted whenever they wanted it.

Lesson 1: Xerxes and Vashti


Lesson 2: Esther Crowned Queen

What did it take to rise to the top in the harem of the king of Persia?  This week we take a look at Esther’s rise to power and the conspiracy that could have undone her position right after it started.

Lesson 2: Esther Crowned Queen

Lesson 3: Haman’s Final Solution

The Jews have been the target of genocide more than once in the history of the world – even in the 20th century! In chapter three we see that this was also the case in ancient times.

Lesson 3: Haman’s Final Solution

Lesson 4: One Last Chance

It’s looking grim for God’s Old Testament people.  The decree has been signed by the king.  It can’t be changed.  The day is set.  All that is left is to wait.  But is there one last chance?

Lesson 4: One Last Chance

Lesson 5: Banquet for Three

Esther is about to make her move.  The King received her when she walked into the throne room.  Now she needs to make her request in the presence of the very person who would destroy her people.

Lesson 5: Banquet for Three

Lesson 6: What are the Chances

Sometimes events just kind of fall into place.  We call this providence.  Our God controls all things for the good of his church.  That doesn’t always mean that “good” things will come into your life.  It does mean that in all the event God does have a plan.

Lesson 6: What are the Chances?

Lesson 7: Full Circle

Do you like seeing people get what the deserve?  Shadenfreude is finding pleasure from other people’s misfortune.  I don’t think God’s people should find joy in other’s suffering, but there is a satisfaction when God rescues his people from danger.

Lesson 7: Full Circle

Lesson 8: Self Defense

Even though Haman had been executed by King Xerxes there was still a very real danger waiting for the Jews.  The order had gone out to have them killed.  We’ll see this week how they defend themselves.

Lesson 8: Self Defense

Lesson 9: Purim

The Jews are able to defend themselves.  To remember this the Jewish people celebrate Purim annually.  We’ll close out our study of Esther with a look at this festival.

Lesson 9: Purim