Pew Reupholstery 2022

The pews are getting a new look.  It’s exciting to see the work start after a few delays in material.  The project will be completed in under two weeks.  We praise God for allowing us to move forward! These first pictures are after one day of work…   Here is a look later in the […]

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Valentine’s Parents Night Out 2022

There were 13 people attending this year’s Valentine’s Parents Night Out.  Thank you to all the volunteers who made the night a success.  The couples dropping off children were provided with The Five Love Languages Profile.

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Ladies Bible Study Christmas Party 2021

It’s been a great year for the Ladies Bible Study.  They had one more gathering in person before the year ended.  We praise God for the fellowship they enjoy as a small group.  And the Saran Wrap party game was a hit!

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Christmas Cookie Giveaway 2021

Thank you to all who participated in the Christmas Cookie give away! It was a great success. We pray that God opens the door of hearts everywhere this Christmas that they might meet the Christ child and believe.

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Neighborhood Cookout August 2021

The summer is winding down.  School is about to start, why not take one night to enjoy a cookout!  There were 18 people from the community who had that same thought.  Families from right around the corner came to share some food and a conversation.

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