Thank you for your gift! Your contributions support the ministry of our church here in Winston Salem, the Piedmont Triad, across the United States and globally through our church body, the WELS. You can use the form below to set up recurring giving, make a one time donation, or pay for a special activity. Bank drafts and most credit cards are accepted.
Star of Bethlehem Lutheran Church uses Vanco Services which is used by many Churches and provides the same level of security as banks and credit card companies. Please contact us if you have any questions or need assistance.

The Vanco online service requires a minimum resolution to operate effectively. Please expand your browser or use another system that has a resolution width of at least 1024 pixels. Sorry for the inconvenience. You might also find using the Give+ mobile application is convenient. See the information below to use the mobile apps.


Star of Bethlehem uses a mobile application provided by Vanco Services called GIVE+. It is an easy way to set up giving, make specific contributions, or pay for a special activity. You can click on the app store links below to download the app for iPhone or Android. The app is secure and very easy to use.

