What is the fascination that America has with the beach? From the Beach Boys to Jaws – from Moana to Castaway – the waves and the sand draw us in. For the month of July we’ll be looking at all things on the beach!
Cinco de Mayo is a great reason to celebrate with a little party! Bring your favorite salsa, dip or chips. Enjoy the beautiful weather as we gather in the car port for fellowship, food and fun. Some of the homemade salsas are incredible. We’ll see you there!
Are you hungry for the resurrection? We are too! Please let us know that you will be coming for the Easter Breakfast! It will help us plan accordingly.
Can German Lutherans be Irish? We’re going to find on Sunday, March 14th! Join us for a green celebration as we remember St. Patrick’s work. There will, of course, be food. Help us save you a sub sandwich by filling out a form. There is no cost. Bring as many people at you like. Maybe you can be Irish too?