How could Isaiah speak with the clarity of an eye witness at the foot of the cross? He wrote his prophecy down 700 year before Jesus walked the earth. In the 5th gospel we will explore the Old Testament book of Isaiah. Here we will see prophecy from our God and how he kept those promises in the person of Jesus.
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Lesson One: Super Sized
It is the Lord who grants the increase. Few places is this more true than in the world of agriculture. There is a certain amount of irrigation that can happen, but the reality is that farmers are at the mercy of the weather and our God.
Lesson Two: Introductions
This is the first in a series of seven readings where the term “my servant” refers to Jesus. These are also known as songs of the suffering servant or the servant songs. The New Testament makes it clear that this refers to Jesus.
Lesson Three: Too Small
Has anyone asked you to do something that was too easy? Maybe, I suppose we quietly get away with the easy job and don’t complain. Jesus was sent to the nation of Israel, but that is too small of a job. Jesus is the Savior for the world!
Lesson Four: Hard Headed
Sometimes being a Christian can feel like you’re beating your head against a wall. Jesus know what that’s like, and then some. To this sentiment Jesus comments that he will make his face like flint.
Lesson Five: Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted
The prophet stands at the foot of the cross and sees the suffering servant died for the sins of the world. A picture, as we saw last week, more vivid than the gospel accounts.
Lesson Five: Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted
Lesson Six: Year of the Lord’s Favor
Have you had the opportunity to tell a stranger that the lame walk, the blind can see, and captives are freed? We still live in the glorious New Testament times of the Savior. But it doesn’t always look that way…
Lesson Six: Year of the Lord’s Favor
Lesson Seven: Blood Stained
A king returns from battle. Coming back from enemy territory his clothes are stained in blood. Never doubt his omnipotence and complete on control. Our Lord is well aware of the suffering inflicted on his people and will deal justice on the Last Day.