Ancient Wisdom for 2021

Date: January, 03, 2021
Time: 11:00 AM

It’s the start of a New Year and everyone is look for some good advice.  What better place to look than the Bible?  God has inspired (literally breathed in his very words) the authors of this book with some awesome wisdom.  In this class we’ll look at a few common topics that come up and see what wisdom our God has for us!

Lessons 1: Speak the Language

Do you speak the language?  That might be a great question for a tourist who is exploring ruins in ancient Greece.  Maybe this would be a good question to an exchange student who is meeting her new roommate in Barcelona.  For our new Bible study in 2021 we’re going to look at Wisdom Literature in the Bible.  For the most part this is found in Psalms, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.

Lesson 1: Speak the Language

Lessons 2: Health

“Well at least you have your health!” Fewer and fewer people in America say those words. We are becoming more and more unhealthy as a nation. God has some ancient wisdom for us. We’ll dig into Scripture to find out what we can do in 2021 to be more healthy!

Lesson 2: Health

Lessons 3: Wealth

Can you ever have too many blessings? Looking at a blissfully sleeping baby in a crib surrounded by a hoard of toys you might think not, but there are some pitfalls that come with possessions. This week in our Ancient Wisdom Bible class we’ll consider God’s gift of wealth.

Lesson 3: Wealth

Lessons 4: Stewardship

“The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it…” The Psalmist doesn’t leave any room for confusion. EVERYTHING belongs to God. Why then do we have such a hard time with this concept? We’ll look at God’s idea of stewardship.

Lesson 4: Stewardship

Lessons 5: Family Life

How can you pick a spouse? What about raising those kids? This week in our Bible study we’ll dig into proverbs for some wisdom on family life.

Lesson 5: Family Life

Lessons 6: Work Life

Is one job better than another? Strictly speaking there are pros and cons to any vocation, but from God’s point of view – not really. We can do anything to the glory of God.

Lesson 6: Work Life

Lessons 7: Social Network

Think of your social network as how you interact with your world.  Does your temper ever get so hot that you don’t want to hold it.  The rage just builds up inside of you until you can’t stand it.  Your stack blows and you end up saying or doing something that you regret.  A person’s temper is just one slice of the social network pie.

Lesson 7: Social Network