Boundaries Ladies Bible Study

Date: March, 20, 2024
Time: 7:00 PM

Boundaries are important for everyone.  Saying NO or YES seems like a simple concept, but the fallout from those two little words can be crippling or liberating.  Get a good handle on your boundaries!  Everyone is welcome to attend this mid week study.  We’ll use Zoom for our meeting.  HERE is the link.


Lesson One: A Day in a Boundaryless Life

Does this sound like your life?  Knowing what to do and then having the courage to change are two very different things.

Please click HERE for the study guide.


Lesson Two: What Does a Boundary Look Like?

There was A LOT of information in this chapter.  The study guide is not as detailed for the sake of time.  Maybe work through the study and at the end, if there is one part that the group wants to spend more time on, you may do so.  God’s blessings on your study!

Please click HERE for the study guide.

Lesson Three: Boundary Problems

We have some problems with our boundaries!  That’s ok, because there is a chart that helps us navigate those problems and this lesson.

Please click HERE for the study guide.

Lesson Four: How Boundaries Are Developed

This chapter delves into psychology.  First the construction of boundaries are covered followed by what can go wrong.  Whatever seems to be “wrong” with your life, know that Jesus is the greatest agent for change in the world.  God’s blessings on your study!

Please click HERE for the study guide.

Lesson Five: Ten Laws

Imagine if you had no boundaries and then were through into a cruel world where boundaries are enforced ruthlessly.  This chapter tried to explain boundaries to people as if they had never heard of them using ten laws.

Please click HERE for the study guide.

Lesson Six: Common Boundary Myths

“God helps those who help themselves.”  That’s a myth.  It may sound good, but it’s not Scripture, and it could be used to justify all kinds of things that go against God’s revealed will found in the Bible.  The myths that you’ll look at in this chapter also sound good, but they cause boundary troubles.

Please click HERE for the study guide.

Lesson Seven: Boundaries and Your Family

This chapter begins part two of the book.  Boundaries and… family, friends, spouse, children, work, self and God.  These are all case studies on one specific area of your life.  This chapter we’ll look at the possible boundary problems in a family and how the boundaries can be created or improved.

Please click HERE for the study guide.

Lesson Eight: Boundaries and Your Friends

This chapter continues part two of the book.  Boundaries and… family, friends, spouse, children, work, self and God.  These are all case studies on one specific area of your life.  This chapter we’ll look at the possible boundary problems with friends and how the boundaries can be created or improved.

Please click HERE for the study guide.

Lesson Nine: Boundaries and Your Spouse

This chapter continues part two of the book.  Boundaries and… family, friends, spouse, children, work, self and God.  These are all case studies on one specific area of your life. This chapter we’ll look at the possible boundary problems with your spouse and how the boundaries can be created or improved.

Please click HERE for the study guide.

Lesson Ten: Boundaries and Your Children

This chapter continues part two of the book.  Boundaries and… family, friends, spouse, children, work, self and God.  These are all case studies on one specific area of your life. This chapter we’ll look at the possible boundary problems with your children and how the boundaries can be created or improved.

Please click HERE for the study guide.

Lesson Eleven: Boundaries and Work

This chapter continues part two of the book.  Boundaries and… family, friends, spouse, children, work, self and God.  These are all case studies on one specific area of your life. This chapter we’ll look at the possible boundary problems on the job. There are nine areas the author sights for improvement.

Please click HERE for the study guide.

Lesson Twelve: Boundaries and Self

I’m trying to imagine a more terrifying topic… and I can’t.  As a young boy I enjoyed the Shannara series.  In the first book (spoiler alert!) a young hero must go through many challenges only to find out the most powerful sword in the world, when held, forced the person to look within.  In the final scene the antagonist, a really bad guy, held the sword and was destroyed, while the boy, who was innocent, was fine.  I thought that was the dumbest story ever!  What could possibly be so bad about looking within?!.

Please click HERE for the study guide.

Lesson Thirteen: Boundaries and God

This chapter is a little underwhelming.  I’m extremely picky about theology because every word of my God matters.  In this chapter you’ll see me taking the authors to task on a few doctrines.  As a whole they do a great job on the topic boundaries – just not boundaries and God.

Please click HERE for the study guide.

Lesson Fourteen: Boundaries and Self

This chapter starts the third part of the book: Developing boundaries.  This is where the rubber hits the road.  You’ve seen what is wrong and have talked about changing it.  It’s time now.  My prayers are with you.

Please click HERE for the study guide.

Lesson Fifteen: Eleven Steps

This isn’t the final chapter of the book, but it will be the final chapter of the study.  The final chapter is a picture of what a mature boundary filled life looks like.  For this last chapter we’ll look at where you are in your boundary setting and how you can keep moving.  There are eleven steps.  Which one are you at?

Please click HERE for the study guide.