Easter Breakfast

Are you hungry for the resurrection? We are too! Please let us know that you will be coming for the Easter Breakfast! It will help us plan accordingly.

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Easter Lily Sign Up

Help us decorate the church for Easter by purchasing an Easter lily for $11 a piece. The lilies will be available immediately following Easter Sunday Worship. The deadline to sign up is March 27th.

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The 5th Gospel

How could Isaiah speak with the clarity of an eye witness at the foot of the cross?  He wrote his prophecy down 700 year before Jesus walked the earth. 

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Ash Wednesday Worship

Ash Wednesday is the beginning of the season of Lent.  This solemn journey to the cross is a time of repentance and self-inspection.  How do we compare to God’s holy law?  It’s not a pretty picture.  Before him we are dust and ashes. 

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Untwisted Gospel

Paul’s letter to the Galatians is fiery.  The very Gospel of Jesus was at stake!  In this letter to the early Christian church the Apostle defends his ministry and the word of God against those who had made the love of God into just another rule to be followed.  Join us as we jump back in the Bible and study Paul’s letter to the Galatians.

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