Congregational Meeting

Following worship on Sunday, November 21, 2021, we offered a congregational meeting. Some of the topics covered were the 2022 Church Council and the 2022 Budget. We also looked at our outreach plan for the upcoming year as well.

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Thanksgiving Eve Worship

Now thank we all our God… that is our cry as we take time to worship our God who has given us all things.  What do you have to be thankful for?  Have you tried to count all of your blessings lately?  One that people miss often are those areas of life where God has taken from us.  In his wisdom we trust that knows what he is doing.  Want to learn more?  Join us for worship on Thanksgiving Eve!

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The Messengers

When the time has fully come, God sent his Son…  God’s people had been waiting for the promised Messiah for millennia.  A little over two thousand years ago, the time had fully come. 

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