Voters Meeting

A new budget was passed by the congregation that reflects the change in CEF payment. We will go forward with the purchase of pew repairs.

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June Men’s Lunch

We will gather for our June Men’s Lunch of the year on Wednesday, June 9th at 12 PM.  The location will be Coppola’s Pizzeria and Italian Restaurant.

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Congregational Meeting

A new budget was proposed to the congregation that reflects the change in CEF payment. We will go forward with the purchase of pew repairs. We also look at the dates for the summer and fall ministry plan.

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LWMS Rally

God is providing so many opportunities to share Easter Joy with people around the world. Think about hearing more stories at the our circuit’s LWMS Spring Rally!

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From the Great Commission to administering the Sacraments.  Is Jesus the second Moses?  There are many who look at Jesus’ commands and see him as the second Law Giver – just like Moses.  We’ll take a closer look at Jesus’ instruction in the gospels and see if there is a difference in what he instructs us to do compared to the rest of Scripture. 

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