Come out and meet your neighbors. Have supper on us! RSVP by Wednesday, July 14th so we can plan for food.
VIC – Very Important Chapters
There are a handful of chapter in the Bible that stand out in their importance. This summer we’ll consider a few of these Very Important Chapters in VIC.
The Last Judge
Samuel was a great leader of God’s people. When the nation of Israel called for a king, it was the beginning of the end for this nation. The kings lead God’s people into idolatry, and ultimately, complete destruction.
For Such a Time
The book of Esther, while not once mentioning God’s name, nevertheless gives clear evidence of God’s providential rule in world history. It shows that everything God does is in the interest of his gracious will and purpose. Esther was made queen to save her people, and to preserve the promise of a Savior.
Neighborhood Cookout
Come out and meet your neighbors. Have supper on us! RSVP by Wednesday, June 16th so we can plan for food.
Voters Meeting
A new budget was passed by the congregation that reflects the change in CEF payment. We will go forward with the purchase of pew repairs.