Easter offers a new life in Christ. What does that look like? God offers us the fruits of his Spirit. This Easter season we’ll look at these fruits and consider how we can apply these gifts to his church. You can find the original lessons, the power point slides, and the video from Bible class following worship is linked up in each picture.
Lesson One: Love
Our first lesson is on the topic love. Why does love mean so many different things? I love pizza and the Minnesota Vikings, but I also love my God, wife, and children. Those are very different things. We’ll look at the source of love and how we can show that love to others.
Fruits of the Spirit Slides: Love
Lesson Two: Joy
You’ve go the joy, joy, joy down in your heart – WHERE?! Down in your heart! Joy can be a tough one because we aren’t always joyful. Life can be difficult. Let’s look and see where joy comes from and how we can cultivate this fruit of the spirit.
Fruits of the Spirit Slides: Joy
Lesson Three: Peace and Patience
Do you have peace like a river all the time? Does your patience ever wear thin? I think all of us have had rough days this year. Let’s see what God has to say about these two virtues!
Virtues – Lesson Three: Peace and Patience
Fruits of the Spirit Slides: Peace and Patience
Lesson Four: Kindness and Goodness
“Was he nice about it?” Sometimes a kind word is all it takes to lower the emotional temperature in a room. This week we’ll look at how we can bring kindness and goodness to the table in life. These are two powerful fruits of the Spirit!
Virtues – Lesson Four: Kindness and Goodness
Fruits of the Spirit Slides: Kindness and Goodness
Lesson Five: Faithfulness and Gentleness
Semper Fi are the Latin words you’ll here yelled across the base at Paris Island, SC. Young Marines are learning what it means to be always faithful. Our God knows a thing or two about faithfulness too! Join us tomorrow morning, Wednesday September 23rd, at 8 AM as we continue our series on the Fruits of the Spirit. This week our focus is on Faithfulness and Gentleness.
Virtues – Lesson Five: Faithfulness and Gentleness
Fruits of the Spirit Slides: Kindness and Goodness
Lesson Six: Self-Control
How much self-control do you have? Maybe there’s a candy bar that calls out your name? Is it time wasting activities on your phone or social media? There are plenty of things that we know that we should do. How can we make sure that we actually do them? We’re onto the topic of self-control! Let’s see what God has to say about this matter.
Virtues – Lesson Six: Self-Control
Fruits of the Spirit Slides: Self-Control