Ready for some Lock-In fun? Friday, February 28th, starting at 6 PM, the Youth Group will be having its annual winter lock-in. We’ll start with a pizza supper and then the fun will begin. All participants are asked to bring a 2 liter of soda and a snack/dessert to share, and a sleeping bag to spend the night. Parents, pick up time will be the next morning, Saturday, February 29th, at 8 AM. Mark your calendars! The lock-in is for middle school kids and up! Friends are welcome to attend! Let us know you’re coming so we can plan the food out accordingly.
Youth Lock-In 2020
Date: February, 28, 2020Time: 6:00 PM
Star of Bethlehem Lutheran Church
1355 Jonestown Rd Wiston Salem, NC 27103