It was the largest group from the North Atlantic District for a college tour. Five of our prep teens took some time to consider attending Martin Luther College and Wisconsin Luther College.

It was the largest group from the North Atlantic District for a college tour. Five of our prep teens took some time to consider attending Martin Luther College and Wisconsin Luther College.
Special thanks to Carl Schneider who spent the night! The kids were great. There was a devotion offered on change in many of the ways that it impacts our lives. We praise our changeless God! He will always love us.
It was windy by Salem Lake for our hike, but it was a gorgeous sunny day. The Lodles brought a great lunch! We had a fun walk through the woods.
The ice was cold and it has been raining all week! But the skating was hot! I was impressed with our group. Everyone took to the ice and skated away. It was fun to lace up skates one more time!
This year the Lock In fell on a holiday weekend. That pushed a number of our teens away on trips with their families, but it was a great time for the five teens who were in town for the event.
Christmas for Kids was great! The kids loved being about to spend time with the friends! They heard about the Christmas story, created yummy treats, worked hard on their crafts, and played games. This year we were also able to offer four hours for the event. Their parents had extra time to do anything! Catch up on Christmas shopping, run an errand or take a nap!