Congregational Meeting

This Sunday following worship we held a congregational meeting.  We talked about fall and winter ministry plan, looked over the budget, and upcoming pew upholstery work.

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Behind the Acts

The New Testament church was started in the first century after Jesus lived.  That might not sound like a great time to do anything.  Communication was still primitive.  Transportation was difficult at best and often it was dangerous.  It was in that ancient world setting that God sent his Son first and then his church second.  In this four week class we will examine some of the details Behind The Acts of the apostles. 

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Pew Fabric Choice

The church council is recommending these options for the congregation to choose from.  We would like to do so in the next seven days.  You can let us know what you think!

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Imagining Movies

It’s back to school month! Many movies have been set in an educational institution. Consider Harry Potter heading to Hogwarts. No one could ever imagine going to a school of magic, but everyone knows what its like to be the new kid in the class. It’s those details that draw us into to movies about schools.

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