The conquest of the Promised Land was commanded by the Lord, but this was not home – not yet. How would they breach the walls of enormous cities? Join us Wednesday mornings at 10:30 AM as we study the book of Joshua.
Whatever Is True
Commands like “do not worry” and “fear not” often grace the pages of Scripture whenever God or one of his messengers visits an ordinary believer. For Christians struggling with anxiety, these phrases may appear to be more of a challenge than a comfort.
The Case for Faith
Lee Strobel approached Christianity from the stand point of a journalist. He was looking for evidence. And not only did he find some. He concluded that it would take more faith from an atheist to maintain atheism than it would to trust in Jesus.
The 5th Gospel
How could Isaiah speak with the clarity of an eye witness at the foot of the cross? He wrote his prophecy down 700 year before Jesus walked the earth.
Ladies Bible Study – The Chosen Season 2
In season 2 of The Chosen Jesus continues to call his disciples. The TV series looks at the back story of the lives of the disciples.
Ladies Bible Study – The Chosen Season 1
The ladies will be working through The Chosen starting in January. Jesus finds and calls his disciples. The TV series looks at the back story of the lives of the disciples.