Ash Wednesday Worship

We will offer an Ash Wednesday worship service complete with FREE ASHES.  Yes, that’s right, the ashes are free this year (and every year).  If you’re not sure about ashes being shmeared on your forehead know that Star of Bethlehem offers a self-imposition of ashes.  It is a completely optional tradition.

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Congregational Meeting

It was three weeks in the making, but it finally happened! The congregational meeting was pushed back two Sundays due to winter weather. We spent some time detailing the upcoming plans for our ministry. There was some time spent talking about the work that needs to happen on the pews as well.

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Names of God

There are more than one hundred names of God in the Bible.  I don’t know that we’ll get through them all in this class, but we’ll make a dent in the list.  We could run through them in alphabetical order, but instead we’ll try and cluster them together by topic.  This study will take us all over Scripture as we’ll study what God calls himself.  These are the Names of God

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Imagining Movies

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! Love – and all version of that topic – show up in movies. Join us Wednesday, February 10th for the Valentine’s edition of Imagining Movies.

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Ancient Wisdom for 2021

Due to the snow storm we will not offer our early Zoom Bible study. It’s the start of a New Year and everyone is look for some good advice.  What better place to look than the Bible?  God has inspired (literally breathed in his very words) the authors of this book with some awesome wisdom.  In this class we’ll look at a few common topics that come up and see what wisdom our God has for us!

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Chili Cook Off

Due to the snow storm the 2021 chili cookoff has been canceled. Warm up your body and your soul on Sunday, February 7th, when Star of Bethlehem Lutheran church will hold its annual chili cook off!

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