Christ is over all things. Of course you say! He’s God, isn’t he. Well yes! But in the ancient world, as the early Christian church was getting up on its feet, there were heresies that worked their way into the churches. The Apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Colossian Christian to combat and clarify doctrines about Christ.
Devotions by Barbara Johnson
The Ladies Bible study has moved online! They will gather using Zoom to enjoy everyone’s company. Shelter in place doesn’t mean we can’t encourage each other! If you would like to find a smiling face and a new friend consider joining them every other Wednesday.
Never Told in Sunday School
The Scriptures don’t hide the sins of God’s people. We’ll take some time and learn from their mistakes.
Miracles of Old Testament
Does it ever seem difficult to believe some of the miracles described in the Bible? In our Mens Bible Study we’ll take a look at six of these examples in the Old Testament.