Welcome to the Live Worship Page of Star of Bethlehem Lutheran Church!

For our 10:00 AM worship service this morning:

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Baptism Is The Cure For An Identity Crisis

“Who is Jesus?” For the longest time, people thought the answer to that question was, “Mary and Joseph’s son” or “a carpenter from Nazareth.” While true enough, those answers do not adequately describe Jesus. But when Jesus was baptized, God the Father spoke, declaring Jesus true identity. Jesus was the dearly loved Son of God, chosen to be the Savior of the world.

“Who are you?” someone asks. Perhaps you would answer by providing your name. Maybe you would add additional information—where you are from or what you do for a living. Perhaps, in some dark corner of your mind, you would answer negatively. “I’m no one.”

We need to understand that none of those things really describes who we are. To answer that question—Who are you?—we must look to our baptism. Baptism is the cure for an identity crisis. There, just like he did with Jesus, our Father declares us to be his dearly loved child. Moreover, in baptism God anointed us with power for a life of selfless service. May God grant us this epiphany moment!.

Epiphany Moments

“Epiphany” comes from a Greek word that means “reveal.” When someone has an epiphany, it’s not that reality changed. The way they see that reality is what changed, for a deeper truth has been revealed. An epiphany is an “a-ha!” moment causing us to look at things very differently.

In the Church Year, Epiphany is the season where we see Jesus begin his ministry, revealing the reason the Son of God came to earth. In this season we will come to understand that when we have Jesus in our lives, it does not always mean our reality drastically changes. It simply means that we see reality differently (and better). Jesus always provides an abundance of epiphany moments.

Please click HERE to watch the introduction video for our sermon series.



If you would like to support our ministry, please consider donating online. Click HERE for our online giving page.

Quick Tips for Online Worship

#1 Be Present

There are bound to be digital and physical distractions around you once the service begins. Make wise choices with your environment in an effort to limit those distractions.

#2 Worship

You are not meant to be a spectator in online worship. Your are a participant. Do whatever you can to engage your heart and mind. Sing along with the songs. Participate in the prayers.  Take notes on the sermon. You can even ask questions and/or comment in the chat box. Our prayer is that this is an experience that allows you to grow your faith relationship with God.

#3 Share 

Please invite your friends and family to online worship by sharing the link in an email, in a text, or through Facebook. There are so many people in our communities that are looking for hope during these times and our online service is a perfect place for them to be encouraged.


Please click HERE for a list of questions to help with your personal preparation prior to attending the Lord’s Supper.