Ancient Wisdom for 2021: Family Life

Family life is broad topic.  I suppose some people would think that they don’t have a family.  Maybe you are an adult with no children of your own?  Even if you don’t have another person on the planet that you could call family, the information in today’s Bible study is still important for you.  You could encourage a struggling family nearby.  You could guard your heart that you don’t get in the way of a family that needs help.

In our Bible study, we start with dating.  It is natural for some of God’s people to seek out a spouse.  Dating can be a mine field of problems for Christian singles, but it doesn’t have to be.  It is important to start with God’s plan and guide for your family life.  What are some of the qualities that you look for in a spouse.  Maybe you would like to stop me right there.  “Pastor Fred, all I want to do is have fun!  Why do I need to worry about finding a spouse?”  The answer is that you don’t NEED to find a spouse, but dating just for fun at some point becomes a waste of time.  There are many temptations and pitfalls that go along with dating someone.  Date with a purpose.

It’s possible that your family life is a mess because you either came from a divorced family or maybe you’re even one of the spouses from a divorce.  There are some Christian churches that teach after a Christian is divorces, he or she cannot remarry.  The only option is to remain single.  This is not necessarily God’s plan.  When a person considers the whole counsel of God, someone who has been divorced may marry again.

Want to hear more, including encouragement for parents, especially moms?  Watch this week’s lesson from our series Ancient Wisdom for 2021: Family Life.

To find all the lessons from this Bible study series, please click HERE.

Please click HERE to view the Bible class slides.