The Bible – The Ten Plagues

The Ten Plagues are a powerful example of God bending man’s will to his own.  We could talk about the power that God displayed in these ten plagues, but I want to look at the obduracy. 

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Worship Windows – Confession and Absolution

Confessing our sins corporately might sound like you were just caught insider trading, but it’s really just an important part of the Western Rite. Did Mr. Mister write the first Kyrie? …or has it been a cry of God’s people sins Jesus walked the earth? Watch this week’s lesson from our series Worship Windows.

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Parabolic – The Two Brothers

When God asks for obedience he wants it right away, not tomorrow. The parable of the Two Sons is an illustration of what the spiritual landscape was in Jesus’ day. The common people, sinners, had fallen away from God. When John the Baptist called them to repentance, they listened. The Jewish leaders said all the right things, but they refused to repent. God’s call to repentance is just as real and urgent today as it was two thousand years ago.

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Rend Your Hearts: Saul and David

God is the source of repentance.  None of this happens without our God.  The Word of our God is a double edged sword – dividing joint and marrow – straight down to our souls.  It cuts with the Law and heals with the Gospel. 

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Rend Your Hearts: Judas and Peter

Judas and Peter are an interesting study during Lent.  They are main characters in the Passion Accounts.  We see them fail every year.  Because Judas ends up at the end of his own noose, it might be tempting to assign him an inordinate amount of derision.  This is where Peter helps us out.  Let’s break them down.

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Micah might be the most well known of the Minor Prophets because of his contribution to the Epiphany accounts, pointing out that Bethlehem would be the birth place of Jesus. His words offer very pointed comparisons to modern politics and immorality. He was quoted by Jesus and reminds us that we have a God like no other! Ours is a God who forgives.

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