The Glory of Jesus SDR – The Father’s Will

The Glory of Jesus SDR – The Father’s Will takes us to the next chapter in our Bible study.  Jesus was moments away from starting his journey to the cross.  His disciples were as ready as they were going to be for the trials that lay ahead.  He was overwhelmed.

Maybe you know what that feels like depending on what chapter of life you are in?  Just how how bad was this stress?  The Bible tells us that Jesus’ sweat was like drops of blood.  While rare, this does happen. Hematohidrosis is a very rare condition in which an individual sweats blood. It may occur in an individual who is suffering from extreme levels of stress.  Jesus knew exactly what was coming his way.  The loss of a disciple in Judas’ despair.  Peter’s denial.  All of the disciples would be scattered.  Then there was his crucifixion, the exhaustion, the public humiliation, the hate of his people, and the gutless governor.  All of this didn’t scratch the surface of the the worst of it all.  He would suffer an eternity in hell on the cross.  This wasn’t because of his own sin.  He was the innocent Son of God.  He was suffering for our sin, guilt, and shame.  In 2 Corinthians 5:21 we read, God made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him (Jesus) we might become the righteousness of God.  In all of this he submits willingly to the plan of the Father to save the world.  There was no other way.

Wasn’t there something anyone could do?  Jesus did ask his inner circle to come and keep watch with him, but they couldn’t stay awake.  As you go through this lesson never think that the most important part of the Passion accounts is to see Jesus as an example.  Jesus is your substitute – your Savior.

Want to hear more?  Watch this weeks Bible study from our series – The Glory of Jesus SDR – The Father’s Will.

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