T3 – Time

T3 – Time is the first in our fall stewardship program on what God has given us. Of all our gifts time might be the most valuable asset. The reason is because it is with time that we can prepare our hearts and the hearts of the people around us with his word.

I think anyone, including people outside of God’s church can agree that time is valuable.  So how do we budget our time?  The whole point of stewardship is to make wise use of God’s gifts.  There are some wonderful modern apps and gadgets to help!

The first is Google Calendar – I know this is obvious, but I also know that there is a certain percentage of the population that doesn’t use a calendar because I used to be one of those people!

Next is OneNote – there are others for taking notes.  Apple has its own ecosystem, but for this android user, OneNote has integrated its way into my life.  Every sermon that I preach is marked up using the app.  I have colleagues who have dropped the paper bulletin and do EVERYHTING out of the tablet because they can add details like baptismal rites and membership installations.  If that sounds pastor specific, maybe, but I know that my school administrator wife also uses OneNote.

Finally, Motion – this integrates with your Google Calendar so completely that you can just it the app inside motion.  What this app does is takes all of the items on your to do list and automatically tells you when to do the item.  It organizes you day for you!

Want to hear more?  Including how we can reserve time for our neighbors?  Watch this week’s Bible class – the first in our fall stewardship program T3 – Time.

Please click HERE to find the Bible class slides.