Inform Your Conscience 6 – Drug Use

Inform Your Conscience 6 – Drug Use is a topic that might be on the minds of many voters.  Why shouldn’t we be able to smoke or consume any substance that we want?  This is the land of freedom, is it not?  That assumes that Americans will be responsible with their use and consumption.  What does God have to say on the topic?

Taking a few thousand steps back, the argument can be made that all drugs are given to us by God for our blessing.  Yes, in fact, you can use and consume almost every drug to the glory of God.  Some may only have God pleasing medicinal purposes.  Others may have recreational uses even though they are regulated by our government.

On this topic you don’t need to dig very deeply to see that it seems as though far too many Americans have found that the purpose of life is not to glorify God.  Many see the goal in life to remove themselves from the reality of life.  THIS comment from a random Reddit user was helpful.  If that is how your life looks – every waking hour of the day you are consumed with your addiction.  You have a problem.

THIS chart from Pew Research shows that most American want marijuana legalized.  It didn’t go down the list of every prohibited substance, but many see this as a representative issue.

THIS interactive map shows the laws across the fruited plain.

As it turns out almost anything can be abused.  Good things like being productive can become an addiction if they are used to burry a trauma or pain that we don’t want to deal with.  THIS article details how this can creep into our lives and what we can do about it.

Please click HERE to find a very helpful paper from our Seminary Essay file on the topic of marijuana use.

Please click HERE to find the Bible class slides.

Want to hear more?  Watch this week’s lesson from our series Inform Your Conscience 6 – Drug Use.