Bible Information Class

Bible Information Class is a great opportunity for you to learn the basics of what our church teaches.  Whether you start with a great foundation of Christianity from a different denomination or maybe you’re brand new to Christianity this is the class for you.

Only the Bible

We only use the Bible.  There are many other sources that some people use to find truth in the world.  We believe that the Bible is God’s revealed word.  He spoke through his prophets and in these last days he has spoken through his Son.  The men who wrote the Bible were carried along by the Holy Spirit.  That is why we call the Bible God’s inspired word.

Sit Down with the Pastor

While this class can be used as a self-study tool, most often the pastor meets virtually or in-person with community members to walk through the material.  The class material is a loose outline of passages that starts with the message of sin and grace.  Law and Gospel are the two basic doctrines of Scripture.  From there we jump into conversion and the means of grace.

Please check back frequently for more content.  Since the class is repeatedly offered year round, it is always being added to and improved.

Our Bible Information Class is the place to start if you have questions.  Everyone has questions.  The important thing is to go to the right place for the answers – the Bible.  In 2017 the class was offered to the congregation in our after-worship Bible study.  You can find those videos below.