Reformation Remembrance – The Papacy

Reformation Remembrance – The Papacy is the second in our series on the Reformation of the Christian church.  This topic might not be one that hear very often, but it’s a great one.  If the topic comes up in the Bible, we’re going to touch on it at some point.

Playing With A Different Rule Book

If you’re using a different rule book, you’re playing a different game.  That’s true in checkers, baseball, and Christianity.  According to the Bible the only source of sound doctrine is Scripture.  That’s what our God says in Galatians 1:8.  The Roman Catholic Church says something a little different.  See if you can spot it.

For the Pope boasts that all rights exist in the shrine of his heart, and that whatever he with his church decides and commands is spirit and right, even though it is above and contrary to Scripture and the spoken Word. Smalcald Articles, III, VIII, 4

Today a Roman Catholic Priest would happily admit that he uses Scripture + the traditions of the church to form doctrine.

Papam Esse Ipsum Verum Antichristum

The Pope is the very Antichrist.  That sounds polemic at best!  Why are we picking on the Roman Catholics again!?  We aren’t picking on anyone, although, I can see why people might think that.  It’s not wrong to point to something that our God speaks about in public.

Taken a gander at 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10.  These verses check all the boxes.  As one professor told me, the finger prints match.  Here is a quick bullet list of those finger prints.

  • He sets himself up in God’s temple (most world leaders don’t)
  • Exalts self over God
  • Proclaims to be God
  • Was being held back even in Paul’s day
  • Will be overthrown by God’s word (This happened during the Reformation.
  • Accompanied with counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders

Want to hear more?  Watch this week’s Bible study from our series Reformation Remembrance – The Papacy.

Please click HERE for the Bible class slides.

Please click HERE for the official doctrinal statement on the topic.