Heavenly Home is a look at death and heaven. Where do the saints triumphant live after God calls them out of this world? To their heavenly home of course! What is it like? We’ll look at a number of different questions surrounding death and heaven this morning.
To Burn or Not To Burn
One of my most asked questions I get on the topic of death and heaven is – Can I be cremated? The answer is that God’s word is silent on the matter. So, yes, you can be cremated. The struggle comes from people in our world who use cremation as a final way to defy God. They think, not only does God not exist, I’ll have my body cremated after death so that God can never put me back together. AND – some folks have even had their ashes shot into space! There’s NO WAY God can get him back from outer space, right? It is a small thing for the Almighty to raise the dead from the grave, the ocean, the ash heap, or even from ashes burnt up as they reentered earth’s atmosphere. On the Last Day all the living and the dead will stand and be judged before the Maker.
Food for Thought
Another question people ask is – Will there be food in heaven? The Bible isn’t completely silent here. The struggle is that many of the pictures of heaven might be just that, and illustrative view for the fallen sinful mind of the glories of heaven. Revelation tells us that there will be no more hunger or thirst. Jesus’ resurrected body was glorified. He still ate with his disciples. Does that mean he was hungry? The prophecy from Isaiah seems to paint heaven like a steak house! Fine wine and the best of meats. We can say that eternal life will be better than we can imagine.
Want to hear more? Watch this week’s Bible study, Heavenly Home.