Foundations of Faith – The Law

Foundations of Faith – The Law is the second lesson in our review of basic Christian doctrine.  We have to start off with an approach.

What is the best way to share bad news?

I don’t know that there is a best way to share bad news.  Depending on the person, some people will never want to hear what you have to say.  The reaction will be negative.  That reality may not get you off the couch to talk to your neighbor about Jesus, but it’s worth exploring.  If I’ve learned one thing as a pastor, some new needs to be shared in person.  The death of a loved one MUST be delivered in person.  This new isn’t quite as bad, but the reaction can be harsh.

You’re a Sinner

There, we said it!  Was it that bad?  If you’ve been a Christian for a while, this is old news.  Who isn’t a sinner?!  True, but if you are new to Christianity or the Bible, this new is quite the shocking revelation.  “What do you mean I’m a sinner?!  I’m a good person!  I haven’t killed anyone.  There are plenty of people worse than me.”

The blanket condemnation works only in the light of Scripture.  Christians aren’t being judgy when they share the bad news of God’s law.  We’re just being honest.  The key is that you don’t get to compare yourself to the guy next to you or the mass murderer on death row.

A Holy God

You get to compare yourself to God.  We aren’t talking about the gods of Greek mythology who carried on a soap opera.  This is the triune God of the Bible.  His holy and perfect in everyway.  He made the world.  He made you.  One day the Almighty will return to judge the living and the dead.  What are you going to do about it?!

That’s where it ends.  That’s God’s Law.  I’d say – Want to hear more?  But no one wants to hear more about this.  It ends in tears.  In ends in anger.  Thankfully, there’s more to the story.  We’ll pick up with the Gospel of Jesus next week.  Jesus is the start of grace.

Want to hear more?  Watch this week’s study from our series, Foundations of Faith – The Law.