Foundations of Faith – The Price

Foundations of FaithThe Price is the first of two lessons on Holy Week.  The price of our salvation was Jesus’ death on the cross, next week we’ll consider the proof – Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.

Don’t Name Your Food

Fluffy the sheep was taken from the herd.  He didn’t have any defect or blemish.  He was a great pet – super cute.  He watched TV with the family at night.  During supper, Fluffy was always ready to help the kids with their unwanted vegetables.  He was in picture with the kiddos on the first and last days of school.  I bet the kids would say he’s a member of the family.  Then just before Passover, the family would make the trek to Jerusalem.  The priest would examine Fluffy – he was still spotless, a lamb without blemish or defect.  Then Fluffy would get his throat cut.  The priest would drain the blood.  Then the family would roast Fluffy and celebrate the Passover feast.

Something Has to Die

The indignation from the girl in the video almost doesn’t make sense without the story of Fluffy the sheep.  God’s people were suppose to feel a sense of loss.  They were thoroughly sinful.  We all are.  Something or someone had to die because of their sin.  It wasn’t them.  Every sacrifice pointed ahead to the ultimate sacrifice that God would send.  Jesus was the Lamb of God who took away the sin of the world.

Three Pictures

The Bible is full of pictures that describe the work of Jesus.  To compliment the Passover story of Fluffy the sheep we have reconciliation (there was one checkbook in the crowd!), justice, and the best trade ever.  My favorite picture is that of divine justice.  I think justice is twisted in our modern society.  God is just, we don’t need to take that upon ourselves.

Want to hear more?  Watch this week’s lesson taken from our series Foundations of Faith – The Price.