Foundations of Faith – The Proof

Foundations of Faith – The Proof is the second in our two-part mini-series on Holy Week.  Last week we looked at Good Friday.  That was the price of our salvation.  Easter wasn’t the payment.  Jesus paid the price in full for our sins when he died on the cross.  Easter is the proof that the payment was made.  It worked.  Jesus rose from the dead.  AND because Jesus rose from the dead you will too!

On The Third Day

There are many details swirling around the resurrection, but I wanted to touch on a couple in this post.  First you may have heard people say that Jesus wasn’t actually dead for three full days.  This is true, but he never said he was going to be dead for three full days.  He said that on the third day he would rise.  Let’s do the math.  Jesus hangs on the cross from noon until 3 PM on Good Friday.  From 3 PM to 6 PM he’s dead.  Saturday – for the Jews – started at 6 PM on what we would call Friday evening.  It doesn’t really matter because Jesus was – in fact – dead on Friday.  He dead and in the tomb Saturday.  Sunday morning comes and Jesus is alive.

Walk to the Tomb

Walk to the tomb with me (and the women).  The women are walking to the tomb trying to work out the logistics in their heads about their work.  How are we supposed to roll the stone away?  What about the guards?!  This wasn’t going to be as simple as they thought, but let’s just go see what we can find.  When the get to the tomb, the stone is rolled away.  There are no Roman guards, but there is an angel happily explaining that Jesus alive.  Needless to say this blew their minds!  They didn’t know what to think so they ran off and told the other disciples.

Want to hear more?  Watch this week’s study, Foundations of Faith – The Proof.

Please click HERE for the Bible class slides.