The Divine Call

The Divine Call comes up a few times in the series of lessons that we work through during the church year, but we’re spending time in Bible study for a different reason.

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By His Wounds We Are Healed – Holy Week

By His Wounds We Are Healed – Holy Week isn’t technically part of our series.  By His Wounds We Are Healed was a look at the passion accounts and one of the lessons from the Sunday’s in Lent.  This lesson on Palm Sunday is a look at some of the event of Holy Week.

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Angels and Demons 5 – The Occult

Angels and Demons 5 – The Occult is the look into the devil’s playground. Playgrounds seem like a fun place to play. By definition they should be safe, but if you wander into the devil’s playground, all you will find are lies and danger. 

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Angels and Demons 1 – Creation

Angels and Demons 1 – Creation begins a new Bible class series on angels for the New Year.  There are plenty of questions on the topic of angels.  We won’t answer all of them in this first lesson, but we will talk about their creation.

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Christmas Angelic Announcements – Joseph

Christmas Angelic Announcements – Joseph is the final lesson in our Advent series on the heavenly visits to the characters of Christmas.  There is a lot of focus on Mary during the Christmas season, but none of it would’ve happened had God not intervened with an angel sent to Joseph.  

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