WELS Missions – Hispanic Outreach Presentation was offered to our church on Sunday by WELS Mission Counselor Tim Flunker. The contents of the presentation focused on a four step approach to Intercultural Mission, Message and Method.
God’s House – Facility Use
God’s House – Facility Use will grow into a larger study of God’s church. 2024 has seen a number of changes for our church and church building.
Inform Your Conscience 7 – Voting
Inform Your Conscience 7 – Voting is the final lesson in our election year series. The goal of the series has been to inform your conscience so that you can vote your conscience.
Inform Your Conscience 6 – Drug Use
Inform Your Conscience 6 – Drug Use is a topic that might be on the minds of many voters. Why shouldn’t we be able to smoke or consume any substance that we want?
Inform Your Conscience 5 – Taxation
Inform Your Conscience 5 – Taxation is not a fun topic. I’ve heard from family members and friends alike that taxation is legalized theft!
Inform Your Conscience 4 – Environment
Inform Your Conscience 4 – Environment considers how a Christian should respond to some of the questions raised in the political debate. Are there too many people in the world? Are we smothering the planet with people? Is the earth our mother? What about global warming?
Inform Your Conscience 3 – Abortion
Inform Your Conscience 3 – Abortion can be a touchy subject. Just because people might get a little bent out of shape about a topic doesn’t mean we should avoid it!
Inform Your Conscience 2 – Marriage
Inform Your Conscience 2 – Marriage is the second in our series on the upcoming election. We will not tell anyone for whom they should vote, but our God does talk about issues.
Inform Your Conscience 1 – Two Kingdoms
Inform Your Conscience 1 – Two Kingdoms
Angels and Demons 10 – Victory
Angels and Demons 10 – Victory is the final in our series on angel beings. We’ve see the good, the bad, and the very ugly. We finish with a reminder of who’s really in charge.
Angels and Demons 9 – Satanism
Angels and Demons 9 – Satanism is a look at the confusing topic of devil worship.
Angels and Demons 8 – Possession
Angels and Demons 8 – Possession
Angels and Demons 7 – Spiritism
Angels and Demons 7 – Spiritism is a jump into the spirit world. There are a few different ways that people try to access the spirit world.
The Divine Call
The Divine Call comes up a few times in the series of lessons that we work through during the church year, but we’re spending time in Bible study for a different reason.
Angels and Demons 6 – Witchcraft
Who is the most famous witch in the world? Harry Potter has a few. What about Marvel’s witch? From movies, to plays, to old TV shows, witches have become a part of our culture.
By His Wounds We Are Healed – Holy Week
By His Wounds We Are Healed – Holy Week isn’t technically part of our series. By His Wounds We Are Healed was a look at the passion accounts and one of the lessons from the Sunday’s in Lent. This lesson on Palm Sunday is a look at some of the event of Holy Week.