Parabolic – The Workers In The Vineyard

The Workers In The Vineyard is a parable explaining the meaning of the phrase: The last shall be first and the first shall be last.  What does that mean?  Some back story is helpful.  Jesus was talking to the Rich Young Ruler.  The young man asked Jesus, “What good thing must I do to get eternal life?”  There were two problems with this young man.  First, he was under the mistaken impression that heaven can be earned by some effort or works – kind of like a degree from college.  Second, he thought he was already good enough to have achieved this goal.  Obviously he wasn’t, but Jesus doesn’t challenge him directly.  He sends him away frustrated by pointing out that there was something more important to him that God – his wallet.  Incidentally, Luther once wrote that the last part of a person to be converted was his wallet.  We’ll spend more time on this topic two weeks from now in part three of stewardship series, One In Christ.

His disciples asked what will be left for them on the Last Day because unlike the Rich Young Ruler, they had left everything to follow Jesus.  Jesus explains that they will be rewarded, BUT the last will be first and the first will be last.  It was on that note that Jesus tells the parable that is the basis for this week’s Bible study from our series Parabolic, the The Workers In The Vineyard.

Please click HERE for the Bible class slides.

Please click HERE for the other lessons from our series Parabolic – A Study of Divine Stories.