Foundations of Faith – The First Step is a review of who we are and what we teach. Our first step is to look at how we live by grace alone. What does that mean?
Love Language
What is a love language? Simply put, if you want to express love, what do you do? If you want to feel loved, what do you hope happens to you? Dr. Chapman developed the idea that there are essentially five Love Languages. Which ones do you speak?
God’s Love
What is God’s love? Love has launched a thousand ships. Only fools rush into love. Is love something that we can fall into and out of, like a swimming pool?
God’s Love Your Love: The Love of God Copy
Walk into any store and it’s hard to miss that Valentine’s day is coming up. Love is the topic of the day and the month of February. How does God’s view of love compare to the rest of the world? Find out during the month of February. This week we’ll look at God’s love.
Love and Marriage
We’re going back to the basics with the 6th Commandment. God’s plan isn’t just a nice idea – it’s the best idea – because God is the one who designed love and marriage. His plan will work for you too.
Law and Gospel
What are the two main teachings of the Bible? It’s Law and Gospel, of course. This morning we’ll break down the differences of Law and Gospel teaching.