When Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper on the night that he was betrayed, he gave his church the second of two Sacraments. With these means of grace we can comfort the afflicted. There were a number of other events that happened in this important chapter. We’ll take a look at the Lord’s Supper and those other events in our Bible study.
VIC – Luke 19 – Palm Sunday
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. That might not look as cool as an iron clad knight striding in on a white steed, but in doing so Jesus fulfilled the promises of God. Everyone, including Jesus’ enemies knew that he was promised Messiah.
VIC – 2 Samuel 11 – David and Bathsheba
2 Samuel 11 is about David and Bathsheba. This story is a made-for-TV miniseries if there ever was one recorded on the pages of Scripture.
VIC – 2 Peter 3 – A Thousand Years
To the Lord a thousand years are like a day and a day is like a thousand years. Our God is eternal and timeless. Looking at 2 Peter 3 we see that one day God will end time itself when he ends the world. Despite what the scoffers might say, God is not slow. He is patient wanting everyone to come to repentance.
VIC – Genesis 8-9 – Rainbow
Would you get off the boat if you knew everything you had ever known was destroyed? I might think twice. In the aftermath of the flood, after more than a year, Noah was told to exit the ark. What would life be like?
VIC – Genesis 6-7 – Flood
The Great Flood recorded in Genesis completely changed the world. Check out this Sunday’s Bible study, the first in a two-part series, as we look at the state of the world, the size of the ark, and the last family living after God destroyed the world with water.