God is the source of repentance. None of this happens without our God. The Word of our God is a double edged sword – dividing joint and marrow – straight down to our souls. It cuts with the Law and heals with the Gospel.
Judas and Peter are an interesting study during Lent. They are main characters in the Passion Accounts. We see them fail every year. Because Judas ends up at the end of his own noose, it might be tempting to assign him an inordinate amount of derision. This is where Peter helps us out. Let’s break them down.
Truth might seem like a simple concept. There is true and false. If something is true, it’s a reality of life. Modern philosophy, and as we’ll see ancient philosophy, would like you to believe that it’s not that simple. In this week’s study we’ll at what our God has to say about truth.