Summer Catechism: The Doxology

The Doxology isn’t actually part of Scripture.  To be sure, it’s Scriptural, but at it stands, the Doxology, as we know it – the last few words of the Lord’s Prayer – did not cross Jesus lips when he taught his disciples to pray. 

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Summer Catechism: The Seventh Petition

Deliver us from evil! This is the cry from the 7th petition. It’s not a fun exercise, but a look into the face of all the evil in the world can give us some perspective of all that our God fends away everyday. Yet there are some instances of evil that he allows into our lives. This week we look at evil in the world and how our almighty God protects us from it.

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Summer Catechism: Fourth Petition

There are seven petitions in the Lord’s prayer, but only one that focuses on our daily needs. The fourth petition is important because it reminds us to pray for the things that God gives us everyday. We do this not to remind God, but remind ourselves 1) where these gifts come from and 2) to receive them with thanksgiving.

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Summer Catechism: Third Petition

The third petition is all about God’s will.  There are some who would scratch their head or put their finger in the air to try and figure out God’s will could be.  All the while God has filled the pages of the Bible with his Holy Will. 

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Summer Catechism: Second Petition

There are three different kingdoms that our God rules over. The kingdoms of this world, now known as nations would be the first example. The second kingdom would be the gracious ruling of our Savior in the heart of every believer. The third kingdom is the eternal one that we only see in part by faith. One day we will be in the glorious kingdom of Jesus’ heavenly reign.

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