Love and Marriage

We’re going back to the basics with the 6th Commandment. God’s plan isn’t just a nice idea – it’s the best idea – because God is the one who designed love and marriage. His plan will work for you too.

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Honor Parents

When our God commanded the world to honor their fathers and mothers, he set the ground rule for order in society. It is obvious for all when this doesn’t happen. Check out this week’s study as we work through some ways we can keep this commandment AND we’ll see how Jesus kept this commandment for us.

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Day of Rest

Do we have to worship on Saturday? What does physical rest have to do with spiritual rest? Why can’t I eat shrimp? All good question that are addressed in our study of the 3rd Commandment. Our God told his Old Testament people to remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy, but what does that mean exactly. With a little help from Luther’s Small Catechism we’ll jump into this topic and see what our God has waiting for us in his word.

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God’s Name

If I say, “Michael Jordan,” what flood of images comes through your mind? Is it McD’s french fries or a man dunking a basket ball. The name of a person is far more than just a word we call someone. The name involves the reputation. If that person is God, calling on his name brings with it privileges and responsibilities.

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Believe in the Resurrection

This question about Easter my seem like a tough one on the surface, but the evidence for the resurrection is far greater than anything against it. More than a few people have set out to put Jesus back into the grave only to be convinced completely by the Spirit that he is alive! Come and see the empty tomb.

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Death Bed Confession

Does a death bed confession really count? How is that possible? Can a person really change? There are a few problems with this line of thinking. The first and most prominent being the example of the thief on the cross.

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