This question about Easter my seem like a tough one on the surface, but the evidence for the resurrection is far greater than anything against it. More than a few people have set out to put Jesus back into the grave only to be convinced completely by the Spirit that he is alive! Come and see the empty tomb.
Death Bed Confession
Does a death bed confession really count? How is that possible? Can a person really change? There are a few problems with this line of thinking. The first and most prominent being the example of the thief on the cross.
No Such Thing As Truth
Truth might seem like a simple concept. There is true and false. If something is true, it’s a reality of life. Modern philosophy, and as we’ll see ancient philosophy, would like you to believe that it’s not that simple. In this week’s study we’ll at what our God has to say about truth.
I Want to Feel Good About Myself
“Isn’t Christianity such a downer? I just want to feel good about myself.” If you’ve been a Christian for a while this might seem like a bizarre complaint. Of course, we feel good about ourselves! We’ll look at this accusation and our defense of Christianity from God’s word. The only cure for a guilty soul are the refreshing waters of the gospel.
Terrible Things
“How can you possibly defend the church?! It’s done terrible things in the name of God.” At first, the only possible reaction is to apologize. Before we climb into a hole, Christianity is an incredibly good thing. In this lesson we’ll separate fact from fiction and look at what terrible things have been done in the past. We’ll find that it’s not just the church that has black marks. In the end, we’ll find that Christianity is the most powerful force for good the world has ever seen.
Where is God
Even though there is no good answer for suffering in this world, we know without a doubt that our God loves us because he sent Jesus to save us. That much we know. It is our loving father who allows heartache and pain into our life.