Rend Your Hearts: Saul and David

God is the source of repentance.  None of this happens without our God.  The Word of our God is a double edged sword – dividing joint and marrow – straight down to our souls.  It cuts with the Law and heals with the Gospel. 

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Rend Your Hearts: Judas and Peter

Judas and Peter are an interesting study during Lent.  They are main characters in the Passion Accounts.  We see them fail every year.  Because Judas ends up at the end of his own noose, it might be tempting to assign him an inordinate amount of derision.  This is where Peter helps us out.  Let’s break them down.

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Ancient Wisdom for 2021: Social Network

Think of your social network as how you interact with your world.  Does your temper ever get so hot that you don’t want to hold it.  The rage just builds up inside of you until you can’t stand it.  Your stack blows and you end up saying or doing something that you regret.  A person’s temper is just one slice of the social network pie. 

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Ancient Wisdom for 2021: Work Life

How’s your work life?  I suppose that question can take a few meanings and go a few different directions.  Let’s try to go down a road.  Will we ever be able to rid the world of poverty?  Some of our politicians like to speak about ridding our society, but it’s not so simple.  I think that Jesus speaks of this when he says, “The poor you will always have with you.”

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Ancient Wisdom for 2021: Stewardship

“The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it…” The Psalmist doesn’t leave any room for confusion. EVERYTHING belongs to God. Why then do we have such a hard time with this concept? We’ll look at God’s idea of stewardship.

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Ancient Wisdom for 2021: Wealth

Can you ever have too many blessings? Looking at a blissfully sleeping baby in a crib surrounded by a hoard of toys you might think not, but there are some pitfalls that come with possessions. This week in our Ancient Wisdom Bible class we’ll consider God’s gift of wealth.

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Ancient Wisdom for 2021: Health

“Well at least you have your health!” Fewer and fewer people in America say those words. We are becoming more and more unhealthy as a nation. God has some ancient wisdom for us. We’ll dig into Scripture to find out what we can do in 2021 to be more healthy!

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Ancient Wisdom for 2021: Speak the Language

Do you speak the language?  That might be a great question for a tourist who is exploring ruins in ancient Greece.  Maybe this would be a good question to an exchange student who is meeting her new roommate in Barcelona.  For our new Bible study in 2021 we’re going to look at Wisdom Literature in the Bible.

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Messy Politics 2

Politics might be the farthest thing from your mind right now?  After all it’s a new year – a new church year, that is.  For our final lesson in our study Politics we go down the rabbit hole how of slander, assassination, and bribery.

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Messy Politics

Politics have always been a messy business.  Don’t believe me?  This week we went back in time to the 5th century BC.  Nehemiah, the Cup Bearer to King Artaxerxes of Persia, went back to Jerusalem to git ‘er done! 

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The Separation of Church and State 2

Church and state don’t really go great together.  There are many things that do go great together.  Husbands and wives, chocolate and peanut butter, a burger and fries are a few examples.  The problem with mixing church and state is that normally one group gets in the way of the other. 

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The Separation of Church and State

Certain things go great together. Church and state aren’t on that list. This Sunday we’ll see how God loves the idea of church and state being separate. There are some dangers that go along with the mixing of the two. In some ways this can’t be avoided – roads, police, fire, etc. However there are very real risks for others. If I take money from the government, will there be strings attached? Join us as we explore this very important topic.

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Halloween 2020

All Hallow’s Eve has morphed into Halloween! How did we get from hijacking a Celtic New Year Holiday to what we see annually as Halloween in America? We take a trip down memory lane and look at some of the traditions. We’ll also see what our God has to say about these topics.

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Politics: The Imperfect State 2

The prophet Daniel was thrown to certain death in a lion’s den. The next morning, after our God protected him from the lions, what do you think his attitude would’ve been towards the king? Defiance? Maybe a little taunting. The point is that Daniel is a great example of showing respect to our leaders. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about a leader whom we voted for or one that we don’t agree with. God calls us to give them respect and honor.

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Politics: The Imperfect State

Our Lord controls all things for the good of his children, but that doesn’t mean the state is always a friend of Christianity. We’ll look at few examples in Scripture of the state in action. At times to is a little difficult to tell if an action is truly evil because God has a way of working everything out for the good of his children.

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