Oh, what of that? And what of that? The sower sows his seeds of the gospel in the field of the world. What happens to that seed as it falls on different soils? Who is the one who makes it grow. We’ll look at these questions in the first lesson of our new Bible class on the parables of Jesus, Parabolic.
Unity and Division
Please share your thoughts on unity and division in the Christian church in the COVID era.
VIC – Luke 24 – The Resurrection
A study of Luke 24 reveals the resurrection of our Lord Jesus. There are a number of questions that the casual observer might have. All of them are answered in this Bible study.
VIC – Luke 23 – The Crucifixion
God died on the cross. That profound truth changes the world. There is more to Luke 23 than just the crucifixion. Watch as we look at “why?”, “how?”, and the “so what?” of Jesus’ death.
VIC – Luke 22 – The Lord’s Supper
When Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper on the night that he was betrayed, he gave his church the second of two Sacraments. With these means of grace we can comfort the afflicted. There were a number of other events that happened in this important chapter. We’ll take a look at the Lord’s Supper and those other events in our Bible study.
VIC – Luke 19 – Palm Sunday
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. That might not look as cool as an iron clad knight striding in on a white steed, but in doing so Jesus fulfilled the promises of God. Everyone, including Jesus’ enemies knew that he was promised Messiah.
VIC – 2 Samuel 12 – Nathan and David
In 2 Samuel 12 Nathan and David share a story about rich man taking the only lamb of a poor man. This was a picture of David’s sin.
VIC – 2 Samuel 11 – David and Bathsheba
2 Samuel 11 is about David and Bathsheba. This story is a made-for-TV miniseries if there ever was one recorded on the pages of Scripture.
VIC – 2 Peter 3 – A Thousand Years
To the Lord a thousand years are like a day and a day is like a thousand years. Our God is eternal and timeless. Looking at 2 Peter 3 we see that one day God will end time itself when he ends the world. Despite what the scoffers might say, God is not slow. He is patient wanting everyone to come to repentance.
VIC – Genesis 8-9 – Rainbow
Would you get off the boat if you knew everything you had ever known was destroyed? I might think twice. In the aftermath of the flood, after more than a year, Noah was told to exit the ark. What would life be like?
VIC – Romans 13 – Government
“Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities…” But God, I didn’t vote for him! In Sunday’s Bible study we looked at what our God has to say about our rulers. In the 13th chapter of Paul’s letter to the Roman Christians we find some eye opening direction for how we relate to the governing authorities.
VIC – Genesis 6-7 – Flood
The Great Flood recorded in Genesis completely changed the world. Check out this Sunday’s Bible study, the first in a two-part series, as we look at the state of the world, the size of the ark, and the last family living after God destroyed the world with water.
VIC – Psalm 23 – The Good Shepherd
“The Lord is our Shepherd, I shall not want.” What exactly does that phrase mean? Our confirmands responded that it meant that we don’t always want the Lord. That’s a true statement, but it’s not what our God is trying to communicate in the Good Shepherd Psalm.
VIC – Genesis 2 – Marraige
The first lesson in our summer series on the Very Important Chapters of the Bible brings us to Genesis 2. There are a few things that happen in this chapter, but the part that we will focus on is marriage. Marriage, and the family, is the basic unit of society. This is not only the first marriage. It is God’s blueprint and commentary on his gift to humanity.
Fruit of the Spirit: Spiritual Gift Analysis
How has God gifted you? If you’ve been a Christian your whole life, you probably have a good handle on your gifts, but maybe you would like a little insight. While not perfect, the spiritual gift analysis tool can be a great place to start if you’re not sure. Look at your top five gifts after taking the quiz and then see some of the matching areas of service.
Fruit of the Spirit: Self-control
Self control isn’t always what we think. You can be your own worst enemy. Part of you wants full control, but not because it is God pleasing. The challenge for the Christian is to bend his will to the Spirit.