The high court condemned Jesus, and Peter and John’s evangelism didn’t make them look good. Peter and John are now on trial. The Church has interacted with kingdoms of this world since the beginning. This week we spent some time looking at how government treats the church.
Acts – The First Sermon
The first sermon of the New Testament Church was given on Pentecost Sunday. The Apostle Peter gave a message to God’s people that cut them to the heart.
Worship Windows – Funeral
What can you say at the funeral of an unbeliever? They aren’t in a better place. Their suffering isn’t over. I don’t think that we want to go out of our way to be cruel, but what good does it do to lie? These are touchy subjects so it’s best to be careful and go with God’s Word every step of the way.
Worship Windows – Marriage
Marriage is under attack in our society. Is it an antiquated customed developed by ancient people or is it handed down from God? We’ll look at what our God has to say about marriage in this lesson of Worship Windows.
Worship Windows – Benediction
A benediction is a blessing. Often we use a blessing to end an activity that has to do with our God. One example is the Song of Simeon.
Worship Windows – Lord’s Supper
The Lord’s Supper is the second of two sacraments that our Lord Jesus instituted during his time that he walked the earth. These means of grace funnel God’s love into hearts of sinful mankind.
Worship Windows – Baptism
Baptism is the first of two Sacraments that we’ll be looking at as we work through the Western Rite in our Bible study series – Worship Windows. A Sacrament is a holy act. It is so called because it is commanded by Jesus while he was on earth.
Worship Windows – Prayer
Prayer is a Christians vital breath. Prayer is talking to God. Prayer is worship. The simple act of communicating with our Father in heaven is the topic of our study today. We consider what prayer is and what prayer is not.
Worship Windows – Offering
An offering is an important part of the Christian’s life. What is that exactly – an offering? How much is enough? Aren’t there confusing and contradicting messages from the pages of Scripture? And finally, isn’t money in the church the most uncomfortable topic anyone can think of?
Worship Windows – Conversion
Conversion from unbelief to a life of faith can be difficult to quantify. Part of the problem is that we can never see the work that God the Holy Spirit does on a heart. Jesus compares this process to the wind. You can see the trees blowing in the breeze, but you can’t see the wind working – it’s that way with the Holy Spirit.
Worship Windows – Redemption
Redemption is costly. Jesus paid the price. The 2nd Article of the Apostle Creed is all about Jesus. Who do you say Jesus is?
Worship Windows – Creation and Preservation
Creation and Preservation are the themes of the 1st Article of the Apostle’s Creed. It simply states, I believe in God the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth.
Worship Windows – The Word
The Word is one of two foci of the worship service. The other being the Sacrament. These are the means of grace that God gives to his people when they gather for worship.
Worship Windows – Song of Praise
Do you always feel like praising God? I have to confess that I’ve had bad says in the past when I don’t really want to praise my God. The life of the Christian can have its ups and downs, but the Gloria has consistently pointed God’s people to praise. A great time to sing this song is right after we hear about the peace he gives us in the Absolution. Glory to God in the highest!
Worship Windows – Confession and Absolution
Confessing our sins corporately might sound like you were just caught insider trading, but it’s really just an important part of the Western Rite. Did Mr. Mister write the first Kyrie? …or has it been a cry of God’s people sins Jesus walked the earth? Watch this week’s lesson from our series Worship Windows.
Worship Windows – The Invocation
We start at new Bible study for the New Year! In Worship Windows we’ll look at the Western Rite and see the meaning behind all that we do. The invocation is how we start the worship service. We call on God to be present and bless us.