If Only

If only…  That’s a a wish for something that might happen.  The expectation is that when it does, it will we wonderful.  I think most people are looking forward to the holidays.  It’s the most wonderful time of the year.  Maybe you’ve been working long hours and think, “Oh for those few days off to enjoy the family.”  Maybe if you’re in school and you’re looking forward to that one week off to enjoy your presents.  Maybe you’re all alone and over Christmas all the kids will come and you will be surrounded once again by people who love you.  There is much more to Christmas.  If this is all we are hoping for from Christmas we’re missing the point.  While the time over Christmas will be wonderful for most there is also a natural let down after the holidays because it doesn’t last.  We don’t just do this with Christmas.  If you’re looking for a job, you think oh if only I can find a career, then I’ll be happy.  Or maybe you’re in high school, and boy! Just wait until you graduate then you’ll be free.  What about a car, if only you had some decent wheels to roll around town in, then you would be set.  If only you could find a decent boyfriend life would be so much better.  Or maybe you’re single and you want a spouse more than anything in the whole world.  For all of these, you might be happy for a while.  But like everything else in this world, it cannot bring lasting happiness.  Whatever one thing you want will soon be tossed to the side like that toy that is played with for only one day.  In this weeks message we spend some time acknowledging that the holiday can be a trying time for people who struggle with depression and anxiety.  We long for something more from Christmas, today we’re going to find it with the help of the prophet Isaiah.  Want to hear more, including how Jesus made these words his own?  We’ll also see the true source of Christmas joy.  Watch this Sunday’s message taken from Isaiah 61.  If only…