Followership – Generous in Every Way is the stewardship stop in our series on being a follower of Jesus. I want to share a story with you.

Followership – Generous in Every Way is the stewardship stop in our series on being a follower of Jesus. I want to share a story with you.
Define Christian – Trust God to Provide – takes us into the ministry of the prophet Elijah. If you were watching the life and times of Ahab the wicked king of Israel the series would be restricted.
Define Christian – Seek Spiritual Wealth can be difficult to understand. For so many people in America, money makes the world go round. For the Christian, that simply isn’t the case.
Can you delight in duty? How about delighting in a trip down the parkway? It’s almost that time again. The glorious colors of Carolina forests will erupt from the relatively boring green mountain sides. God paints the landscape!
Last week we learned the hard truth that while money can help make life easier in some ways, it cannot bring true happiness and fulfillment. This week we see that as much as money lets us down in life, its ultimate failure to deliver on its promises happens in death.
Serve God with money. That is a hard truth. Our text from Luke 16 is one of the more confusing parables to folks. Yet, it’s message is simple. It’s not your money.