Resurrection Reality – Really Living

On Sunday we closed out our Easter sermon series – Resurrection Reality – Really Living.  The prophet Ezekiel is shown a vision of a valley full of dry bones.  These are not people who are mostly dead. They are completely spiritually dead!

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Harvest of Souls

The sound of a rushing wind got everyone’s attention. This was going to be a big day. With God doing the marketing for his New Testament Church there was sure to be a crowd! God’s Spirit was on full display.

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Golfing with Jesus

The harvest festival of Pentecost was not a new concept to God’s people. Every year they would come in from the fields with their first fruits and offer them to God. This was a statement of thanks and a statement of faith. Thanks for the harvest that they already had and a statement of faith that God would continue to give them more as the harvest continued. That festival marked the birth of the New Testament church. What a harvest it has been! God continues the harvest of souls for his kingdom through you and me.

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