Define Christian – Above All takes us into the first part in our new summer sermon series. Ask ten people what is a Christian and you very well might get ten different answers. Not all of those answers will be positive either. So who do you believe?
The Holy Ministry – Persecution
The Holy Ministry – Persecution looks rough. Knowing that a life of temptation and hardship awaits the Christian doesn’t sound very appealing. What kind of motivation would move someone to sacrifice his or her life?
Increase Our Faith – Total Dependence
Total dependence doesn’t sound like a great idea in our ear. We like to be SELF dependent. The Rich Young Ruler was looking for an 11th Commandment when he came to Jesus. What he found was a loving God who crushed his sinful pride.
Focused on Heaven
Jesus wants focused followers. However, one of the things that can most easily get in the way of our focus is our earthly possessions. It is no surprise, therefore, that Jesus’ words so frequently focus his followers on wealth. Jesus’ followers don’t reject earthly wealth or despise it. They can be grateful for every good gift that comes from the hand of God. This Sunday we’ll cover worry, doubt, and our solution to those challenges – Jesús.
Get In The Boat
The storm is raging all around and where is Jesus? Asleep!? How can he sleep at a time like this! The disciples were at their wits end. Do you ever wonder if Jesus waits for us to exhaust all other options until we have nowhere else to turn?
Doubt to Faith
Can you imagine what was going through Peter’s head as a wave is about to swamp him… as he’s walking on the water?! This is a disaster waiting to happen. In spite of all that, Jesus doesn’t let him down. This morning we close out our series – The Extraordinary Ordinary Life of a Christian.