Followership – House and Home goes into the mysterious relationship between a husband and a wife. The basic building block of our society is a family – husband, wife and children.

Followership – House and Home goes into the mysterious relationship between a husband and a wife. The basic building block of our society is a family – husband, wife and children.
We are all sinners because of the one trespass of Adam. When did that hit him like a ton of bricks? Was it when an angel kicked him and his wife out of Paradise? Maybe it was when his one of his sons killed the other. The curse of sin carries on even today, but so does the promise. Jesus is the promised Savior. We get to be his messengers of hope and forgiveness! The is the first Sunday that we will consider the Holy Ministry.
VICTORIOUS Love might sound a little over-the-top, right? I mean, it fits the Easter sermon series theme of VICTORIOUS, doesn’t it? I think that this phrase is a good start, but doesn’t quite touch the meaning.
How do you share the love? Tis the end of the season – the season of engagement. There is a very specific kind of love being shared. From Thanksgiving to Valentine’s Day 40% of all couple get engaged.
Jesus has done all things well. He doesn’t make accommodations for our sin and guilt, he paid for them when he died on the cross.
Certainty in love seems like a pipe dream, doesn’t it? How can you really know what someone is feeling? How can you see the doubts?