Open Door Policy – Ash Wednesday begins our forty-day march to the cross. We are reminded of our mortality and called us to repent.

Open Door Policy – Ash Wednesday begins our forty-day march to the cross. We are reminded of our mortality and called us to repent.
Epiphany Moments – The Least Qualified is a lesson in God’s methods of outreach. God reminds us that the least qualified are the first ones sent. This seems like a bad idea at first blush, but God knows what he’s doing.
Epiphany Moments – Love Your Enemy is a great one as we enter Valentine’s week! I don’t know that love is understood properly in our culture.
Draw Near to God – He Comes to You is the theme for our Christmas Eve message. What brings you here at Christmas? It’s probably about you right? We have a hard time taking the focus off ourselves to worship God.
A Real Christmas – Lifts Up The Lowly is the final message from our Advent sermon series. You are just a few days away from the celebration of Jesus’ birth.
A Real Christmas – Results in Great Joy is the theme for the third Sunday in Advent. Joy is not the same thing as happiness. It is infinitely better. Happiness is an emotion. Joyfulness is a condition.